July 2024: Overview of Human Rights Issues in the Arab World
ACHRS Publishes Human Rights Monitor for July 2024

The Human Rights Monitor reviews developments in six priority areas concerning human rights in the Arab world for July 2024. This report analyzes the impact of these developments using a legal framework based on international humanitarian law.
Firstly, the report highlights the right to life as a fundamental human right increasingly threatened by ongoing conflicts and humanitarian crises in the Middle East. It discusses critical events in Palestine, Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon that reveal the severe challenges civilians face in the region.
Secondly, the report examines the right to think, focusing on the censorship and arrest of academics and students involved in political movements related to Palestine. This section emphasizes the repression of intellectual freedom, particularly regarding expressions of concern over the genocide in Gaza.
The report also addresses national social protection strategies, specifically healthcare systems, child protection programs, and the prosecution of feminist activists. It highlights legal discrimination against women in Saudi Arabia and Iraq, including the ill-treatment women endure in custody.
Furthermore, the right to speak receives attention. The Human Rights Monitor analyzes developments in Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, and Jordan, where governments violate international laws on freedom of expression. Authorities arrest activists and journalists to silence dissent, breaching Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Lastly, the report provides updates on the right to participate, focusing on political engagement in Libya, Algeria, Jordan, Tunisia, and Morocco. The report aims to holistically cover human rights conditions and promote a higher quality of life in the region by enforcing international legal standards.
Read the full report here for updates on Human Rights developments in the region relating to our six priorities.