Awareness programs: the center conducted more than 500 regional and local training courses on different Human Rights topics such as: Academic Freedom, Right to participate, Monitoring Elections, Justice, Rights of Prisoners, Women’s Rights, Youth Leadership, Projects Children’s and Student’s Rights, Media Freedom, Death Penalty.
More than 13 500 persons from 18 different countries participated in these trainings, and 60% of them were women.
Training of trainers (TOT’s): the ACHRS conducted 18 ‘Training of Trainers (ToT’s) during which 289 trainers, coming from 13 Arab countries, graduated.
Women Leadership Program: The center also implemented a Women’s leadership program in 2010. The Jordanian Institute for Women Leaders (JIWL) aims at enhancing political empowerment by developing the capacity of women in networking, generating thoughts, and other skills for effective political participation. Many of the graduates have since assumed a leadership position in public life or their career.
The women who are chosen for the program range in age from 25 to 40 and come from a variety of occupations, including university professors, teachers, lawyers, researchers, engineers, media workers, pharmacists, master’s and doctoral students, and human rights activists. During the program, participants are trained in a series of workshops on different topics such as the Constitution, law, citizenship, democracy and human rights, political parties, electoral systems and standards for free and fair elections, election campaigning, the legislative system, parliamentary work, the role of civil society organizations and the women’s movement. The participants also learn leadership skills and vocabulary skills during their program. The goal is to empower women not only at a local level in Jordan but at a regional Arab level. We look forward to continuing the program and we are doing our best to ensure that the program is encompassing all Arab countries. Previous participants have been from Jordan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Yemen, Syria and Palestine.
This program was financially supported from 2010- 2014 by Finn Church Aid, with additional help from Karama and FFF with financial support for elected classes for Libyan students in 2014. Despite the stop in funding, the program has carried on since 2015 on a voluntary basis.
Youth Leadership Program: In 2019, the ACHRS started to conduct a new program, the Youth Leadership Program. The purpose of this program is to encourage youth in engaging with MPs and CSOs. The students, aged between 20 and 24, conducted courses for over 120h on four of the prioritized human rights topics of the ACHRS (right to life, speak, think and women’s rights). Since the start of the program, the centre graduated 3 classes of 43 graduates in total, with 26 female and 17 male students. The program marked the start of a new strategy for the centre to establish a Jordanian Democratic Youth Forum.
Internship Program: ACHRS’s Internship Program is a large part of our capacity-building activities. Interns contribute to different organizational tasks such as fundraising, events planning, networking, research and program development. Since the programme started in 2004, 190 interns from 32 different countries have contributed to the ACHRS, with a majority from Europe and the United States. Overall, interns have worked 950 months combined at the centre. We appreciate all the help we have had over the years from these talented individuals and hope they will have a bright future ahead.