Human Rights MonitorRight to LifeRight to ParticipateRight to Social ProtectionRight to SpeakRight to ThinkStatementsWomen's Rights

June 2024: Key Human Rights Issues in the Arab World

ACHRS Publishes Human Rights Monitor for June 2024

This month’s Human Rights Monitor reviews significant developments impacting human rights in the Arab world, focusing on six key priorities. In June, we analyze these developments and assess their implications for human rights across the region. The report employs a legal framework grounded in international humanitarian law to evaluate contemporary humanitarian issues.

The first priority, the right to life, examines conditions of imprisonment and the death penalty. It highlights violations of international law amidst the genocide in Gaza, as well as situations in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan. Next, the right to think scrutinizes the censorship and arrest of academics and students involved in political activism related to Palestine. This reflects the repression of their right to express concerns over the ongoing crisis in Gaza.

The third priority focuses on national social protection strategies. It includes healthcare systems, child protection programs, and social housing, particularly in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. The report also addresses legal discrimination against women in Egypt and the UAE, highlighting reforms that infringe upon women’s autonomy. Following this, the right to speak discusses censorship and the imprisonment of political activists in Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, and Tunisia.

Finally, the report examines the right to participate, providing updates on elections and barriers faced by citizens in Jordan, Algeria, and Syria in engaging in public life. By addressing these six priorities, the Human Rights Monitor highlights the interconnectedness of these issues. It advocates for the enforcement of international legal standards, aiming to enhance the quality of life and human rights across the region.

Read the full report here for updates on Human Rights developments in the region relating to our six priorities.

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