


First : Funds for Center Activities


Value (J D)




To cover the expenses of 7 training courses on human rights and the Constitution for Iraqi lawyers, 2005.


European Union


111 862

Empowering regular and irregular migrant Workers and promoting their rights in Jordan. 2013



10 4479

To cover the expenses of 3 training of trainers courses (ToT) on human rights and the Constitution, held in Baghdad, Al Basra, and Arbil in 2005.

Foundation for the Future (FFF) 68 241 Supporting Academic Freedom in the Arab World 2013

Human Rights Department / Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

 66 816


Support for the 7th TOT on Women’s Rights

HR Department / MFA of Norway 52 400 Supporting the 6 th TOT on Woman’s Rights
Friedrich Ebert Foundation 52 070 For supporting 12 training courses on Election Monitoring
Finn Church Aid 40000 leadership women program2010
Finn Church Aid 40000 leadership women program2011
Finn Church Aid 40000 leadership women program2012
Finn Church Aid 40000 leadership women program2013
The Embassy of Norway 38 607 For the 5th Training of Trainers Course on Human Rights
Internews Network 35 548  Support for two workshops on Media Laws
Penal Reform International (PRI) 29 853 To cover the expenses of conference juvenile justice and publishing a book on JJ: the Arab expenses 2007
Scholars at Risk Network (SAR) and (NEAR) 29 736 To cover the expenses of Second Conference of Academic Freedom in Arab Universities and the establishing of the Arab society for academic freedom (ASAF)
The Iraqi Foundation 27 258 To cover expenses of the training of trainers course (ToT) on human rights, June 2005.
Friedrich Ebert Foundation 26 067 To cover expenses of the Youth Leadership Project 2005.
OHCHR, UNAMI & UNOPS 25 000 For funding 2 workshops on Human Rights Monitoring for Iraqi Organizations/2005
Arab Democracy Foundation 24 530 Support for reports on democratization in Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq
AECI / Spanish Agency for International Cooperation  24 481 Funding for trainings in Amman
Penal Reform International (PRI) 23 111 To cover the expenses of 4 seminars on death penalty in Jordan, Egypt and Yemen and publishing a book on DP 2007
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway 21 853 For funding the Fourth Training of Trainers course (TOT) in participation of: Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Jordan
MEPI / Middle East Partnership Initiative  20036  Project on the Right of Access to Information in Jordan
FFF 19.616 Supporting the first conference of the Syrian Fedaretion for HR organizations (2014)
Friedrich Ebert Foundation 16 040 To fund a training course on human rights and international humanitarian law for Iraqi Human Rights NGOs
World Bank 14.575 supporting coalitions and network to advance ATI in MNA 2012
The Embassy of Netherlands 14.230 Gender Mains training in Jordan 2009/2010
The Canada Fund 13 050 For Funding the Academic Freedom Watch Project in Jordan
The Embassy of Netherlands 12 798 For funding the first competition on human rights for young researchers
Embassy of the Netherlands 12 631 for supporting the 2nd competition on human rights for young researchers
Friedrich Ebert Foundation 11 500 To fund the guide book on citizen’s rights

IRCT / International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims

10 977

Support for a workshop for journalists on reporting to prevent torture in the fight against terrorism

IPPR / Institute for Public Policy Research 9 887 To cover the expenses of the seminar (Political Reform in Jordan: The Role of International Partners) on Sep. 10, 2007.
The Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation 9 496 For funding the second training of trainers training course on Human Rights
The Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation 9 115 The First training of trainers training course on Human Rights
World Bank 8.290 ATI in Jordan 2012
Embassy of Netherlands 7 928 For the 3rd Competition on Human Rights for Young Researchers.
Canada Fund/program Support Unit 6 520 For funding the 3rd training of trainers training course on Human Rights
United Nations Development Program 6 420 For funding three educational training courses on human rights for journalists
Embassy of the Netherlands 4 916 For supporting A human rights course for media workers
United Nations Agencies 4 900 for supporting a series of courses on human rights on the occasion of the 56th Anniversary of the International Declaration on Human Rights
The Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation 4 882 For funding the 3rd training of trainers (TOT) training course on Human Rights
Euro-Mediterranean human rights network 3 640 To support the networking on human rights in the Euro-Mediterranean region for the committees for the defense of democratic liberties and human rights in Syria
United Nations High Commission for Refugees 2 168 For funding a training course on human rights and the right to refer to journalists
United Nations Agencies in Jordan 2 000 Second Sergio de Mello Course for the Jordanian Universities’ students
United Nations Development Program 1 745 For funding three training courses on election and human rights for youth
Ministry of Planning 1 500 To Support the Conference on Human Rights within the Framework of Criminal Justice, held on 27-29/6/2006 Amman.
Friedrich Ebert Foundation 1 000 Services for the Media Monitoring Course, 2005.
Jordan Kuwait Bank 200 To Support the Conference on Human Rights within the Framework of Criminal Justice, held on 27-29/6/2006 Amman.

Second : Donors

Dr. Nizam Assaf 13505 Donate the reward given to him from the funded activities of the center
Mr. Obaida Fares 7470 Donate the rewards given to him from the funded activities of the center
Dr. Mohammad Tarawneh 5755 Donated his rewards from the funded activities of the Center.
Social forums Amman Zarqa Jarash Ajlon And Irbd 5000 For covering the cost of hospitality and hosting of several training courses
Dr. Nizam Assaf 5000 Recognition award for Democracy and human rights 2000 granted to Dr. Nizam Assaf, the General Director
Attorney Manhal Al-Siydeh 4418 Donate the rewards given to him from the funded activities of the center
Mr.Mohammad Sarsak 3610 Donate the rewards given to him from the funded activities of the center
Mr. Emad Baker 2750 Donate the rewards given to him from the funded activities of the center
Ms. Dana Dudin 2050 Donate the rewards given to her from the funded activities of the center
Dr. Khaled Al-Takhayneh 1205 Donated his rewards from the funded activities of the Center.
Dr. Ibrahim Hijazin 1200 Donated his rewards from the funded activities of the Center.
Mr. Mohammad Batayneh 1000 Donate the rewards given to him from the funded activities of the center
Dr. Iman Al-Hussain 820 Donated her rewards from the funded activities of the Center.
Dr. Nizam Barakat 800 Donated his rewards from the funded activities of the Center.
Mr. Khaled Suliman 800 Donate the rewards given to him from the funded activities of the center
Dr. Hasan Lasasmeh 800 Donate the rewards given to him from the funded activities of the center
Ms. Fotouh Younis 500 Donate the rewards given to him from the funded activities of the center
Mr. Khaldoun Gharaybeh 500 Donate the rewards given to him from the funded activities of the center
Lubna bajali 400 Donate the rewards given to him from the funded activities of the center
Dr.Khaled Obidat 400 To support the conference on Human Rights within the Framework of criminal Justice, Held on 27-29/6/2006 Amman.
Attorney Zahaa Al Majali 400 Donate the rewards given to him from the funded activities of the center
Dr.William Zahran 300 Donate the rewards given to him from the funded activities of the center
Mr. Mahmoud Hishmeh 298 Donate the rewards given to him from the funded activities of the center
Inas Qamua 210 Donate the rewards given to him from the funded activities of the center
Attorney Kamal Al-Mashreqi 200 Donate the rewards given to him from the funded activities of the center
Mr. Reyad Subuh 120 Donate the rewards given to him from the funded activities of the center
Nancy Bakeer 120 Donate the rewards given to him from the funded activities of the center
Mr. Moeen Qasis 100 Donate the rewards given to him from the funded activities of the center
Dr. Sulaiman Sweis 35 Donate the rewards given to him from the funded activities of the center

Third : Other donations

Jordanian Society for Political Science 4500 Cash donation for hosting their activities at the center for 4 years
Seventh Horizon Company 2600 Cash donation
Some members in the ACHRS 1344 Cash donation
Dr. Amin Makki Madani 1300 monetary Donation
Mr. Alaa’ Alawneh 500 Cash Donation
Eng. Samir Habashneh 500 Cash donation
Arab Potash Company 500 Cash donation to fund the printing of a book on \” lectures on human rights\”
Mr. Abdula Aqeel 200 Cash donation.
Mrs. Wafa Al-Barghothi 120 For the telephone cost of the charity dinner

Fourth : In-Kind contribution

Greater Amman Municipality 10000 For covering the cost of hospitality and hosting of five workshops conducted by the center
Ford Foundation/Cairo 8000 A coverage of the cost of three participants from ACHRS in the Geneva HR training course 2 times & one participating in a training course on basic library and information management, systems and tools for archiving, cataloguing and classification of library held at Arab Institute for Human Rights AIHR location in Tunisia
Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority ASEZA 4000 For covering the cost of hospitality and hosting of two training courses \”Sergio de Mello\” in 2003 and 2004
Irbid Municipality 3000 For covering the cost of hospitality and hosting of two training courses for Journalists and teachers
Afaneh Transportation 1100 Tranportation for 3 courses in 2003, 2004 and 2005
Amnesty International 1100 A participation of an expertise in the first training session on the international criteria for international fair trial
Euro-Mediterranean human rights network 1000 To support the networking on human rights in the Euro-Mediterranean region for the committees for the defense of democratic liberties and human rights in Syria
Human Rights Information & Training Center/Yemen 950 A coverage of the cost of one participants in the third training of trainer course
Irbid Chamber of commerce and chamber of Industry 900 For coverage the cost of hospitality and hosting of two training courses
Higher Council for Youth 850 For coverage the cost of lodging of Sergio de Mello Course
Royal Jordanian Airlines 100 For coverage the stationary cost of lodging of Sergio de Mello Course

Fifth : Time and effort Donations

Dr. Nizam Assaf/ General Director 54000 Full – time Administration of the center for five years
Mr. Obaida Fares 14400 Part time work for 4 hours daily for three years
Dr. Nizam Assaf 12200 Voluntary Training in (122) courses
Mr. George Mosleh 11200 Translation for five years
Attorney Manhal Al-Sydah 9600 Part time work as a co-ordinator for training unit for two years
Ms. Fotouh Younis 8000 Part time translation and correspondence for the center for three years
Attorney Kamal Al-Mashreqi 7200 Part time work as a co-ordinator for Youth unit for three years
Attorney Manhal Al-seydah 6550 Voluntary Training in (131) courses
Dr. Mohammad Al-Tarawneh 4800 Voluntary Training in (48) courses
Mr. Manar Rashwani 4800 Part time work as a co-ordinator for research unit for 2 hours for two years
Mahmoud Hishmeh 4800 Part time work as a co-ordinator for statistical analysis unit for 2 hours for two years
Mr. Mohammad Sarsak 4650 Voluntary trainer in (93)courses
Dr.Iman Al-Hussain 3500 Voluntary Training in (35) courses
Ms. Ramzeyia Al-Khatib 2750 Part time work for three years
Attorney Zahaa Al-Majali 2750 Voluntary training in (55) courses
Obaida Fares 2700 Voluntary trainer in (54) courses
Attorney Kamal Mashreqi 2400 Voluntary Training in (48) courses
Mr. Mohammad Sarsak 2400 Part time work for two years
Dr. Khaled Al-Takhayneh 2200 Voluntary trainer in 22 training courses.
Attorney Manar Al-Nethami 2050 Voluntary Training in (41) courses
Attorney Eisa Al-Marazeeq 1850 Voluntary Training in (37) courses
Arwa Malkawi 1750 voluntary trainer in (35) training courses.
Mr. Maen Rayyan 1200 Part time work for 2 hours for 6 months
Eleanor Hinchliff 1200 A voluntary work for three months
Riyad Subuh 950 Voluntary Training in (19) courses
Maen Rayyan 850 Voluntary Training in (17) courses
Dieuwerke Luiten 800 A voluntary work for two months
Attorney Mustafa Yaghi 750 Voluntary Training in (15) courses
Attorney Omar Qadora 750 Voluntary Training in (15) course
Attorney Islam Alradaydh 650 Voluntary Training in (13) courses
Fotouh Younes 600 Voluntary Training in (15) courses
Ola Khalafat 500 Voluntary Training in (10) courses
Hanan Shatat 500 Voluntary Training in (10) courses
Khalil Radwan 500 Voluntary Training in (10) courses
Attorney Lubna Al Odwan 500 Voluntary Training in (10) courses
Mahmoud Hishmeh 450 Voluntary Training in (9) courses
Tharaa Al-Wadi 400 Voluntary Training in (8) courses
Attorney Raed Al Athamneh 400 Voluntary Training in (16) courses
Attorney Maamon Al Qatatsheh 400 Voluntary Training in (8) courses
Dana Dudin 300 Voluntary Training in (6) courses
Attorney Samaher Abo Ruman 250 Voluntary Training in (5) courses
Attorney Mohammad Al-Naser 250 Voluntary Training in (5) courses
Ilham Irhail 250 Voluntary Training in (5) courses
Muneera Saleh 250 Voluntary Training in (5) courses
Fasel Shamot 250 Voluntary Training in (5) courses
Attorney Akef Al-Maaytah 150 Voluntary Training in (3) courses
Ruqaeh Inamat 50 Voluntary Training in (1) courses
Lubna Bajali 50 Voluntary training in 1 course

Sixth : material donation

Friedrich Ebert Foundation 4200 Two PCs, Data Show and a printer
UN agencies in Jordan 2300 Publications and Documents
United Nations Development Program 300 Two used PCs PII
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